Max has always been fascinated by running water and sinks. Here are several different versions.
Sinks are fun. What's really wasteful, but REALLY great at the same time, is to fill up a container with milk or some opaque liquid and run water in it until it goes clear. I do enjoy my pasttimes...
I am really impressed by these drawings. I think it's interesting how he's kind of "highlighting" areas of interest in bright colours. It's almost as if he wants you to focus in on what he sees.
Sinks are fun. What's really wasteful, but REALLY great at the same time, is to fill up a container with milk or some opaque liquid and run water in it until it goes clear. I do enjoy my pasttimes...
I am really impressed by these drawings. I think it's interesting how he's kind of "highlighting" areas of interest in bright colours. It's almost as if he wants you to focus in on what he sees.
These drawings are great! I like the color in the third picture as well!
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